With leadership
from our Chief Executive Officer (CEO), a chartered
accountant of Nigeria, and our Chief Technology
Officer (CTO), a distinguished technology Consultant
from the UK, we have invested heavily in the last
year in building a core team of technical experts
who have been retrained to the standards that prevail
in Europe today. This team has been the foundation
on which the company has built its first commercial
product, the eMusicDirectory, which is being marketed
to local and international businesses in the retail
sector of the Media industry
In the pursuit of our stated mission, and having
invested much effort, time and resources
in the acquisition and development
of key personnel, equipment, and relationships.
Management now believes that the foundation
for an organisational structure that endures,
and strives for excellency and progress has, GOD's
grace, been established. The company is now in
its next stage of development where we have started
to actively market ourselves to blue chip companies,
and to express interest in high profile government
projects that fit our aspirations. We are looking
forward, GOD willing, to taking our place among
the leaders of our sector in Nigeria and the West
African sub region.